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Nine Inch Nails - In This Twilight - text písně

Texty písní » Nine Inch Nails - In This Twilight

Nine Inch Nails - stát se fanouškem

watch the sun,
as it crawls across a final time
and it feels like,
like it was a friend.
it is watching us,
and the world we set on fire
do you wonder,
if it feels the same?

and the sky is filled with light
can you see it?
all the black is really white
if you believe it
as your time is running out
let me take away your doubt
you can find a better a place
in this twilight

dust to dust,
ashes in your hair remind me
what it feels like
and I won't feel again
night descends
could I have been a better person
if I could only do it all again

and the sky is filled with light
can you see it?
all the black is really white
if you believe it
and the longing that you feel
you know none of this real
you will find a better a place
in this twilight

Přidal: dne 09. 04. 2007 v 21:25.
Počet zobrazení: 295 (1).

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