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Tereza Kerndlová - If You Wanna Have Some Fun (don´t Run) - text písně

Texty písní » Tereza Kerndlová - If You Wanna Have Some Fun (don´t Run)

Tereza Kerndlová - stát se fanouškem

Sometimes we open a door to hope
Then baby we’re hopin’ the door won’t close
We look all around ... Our future is standing there
Can’t you see you’re my future?

I know you wanna just run and hide
But baby you’re gonna be by my side
‘Cause look all around ... Your future is standing here
Don’t you know I’m your future?

We really get along
Just like the sun goes with the sunshine
Like a grape goes with a grapevine

But you think
In a blink
That I’ll be bad to you

If you wanna have some fun, don’t run
Don’t turn away from me when I’m the one
I’m the one who shakes your clouds away
Whenever rainy days make you insane
If you wanna have some fun, don’t run
Don’t walk away when I’m your summer sun
If you wanna know real love and have some fun
Hmm Then baby don’t run

I know your history makes you shy
Oh babe it’s no mystery why you fly
I’m not like the girls ... the girls who just come and go
And with me you won’t go solo

We really get along
Just like the stars go with the starshine
Like a ring goes with a bell chime

But you say
I won’t stay
You think I’ll pull away

(Repeat Chorus)

I’ll even walk you to the moon
Walk down the beach all afternoon
I just wanna be your friend for ... fun fun fun
(Note: "for" gets 2 notes, like I think you sang it)

Přidal: Ondra dne 31. 10. 2007 v 15:18.
Počet zobrazení: 3574 (0).

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