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Fishbone - Mighty Long Way - text písně

Texty písní » Fishbone - Mighty Long Way

Fishbone - stát se fanouškem

Mighty Long Way
Said I'm shakin' in my shoes sometimes
And all alone I get the blues sometimes
And I'm far away from home, it seems so far, so far away
Many moons and many days
You know many things are on my mind
I search and search for answers I can't find
Then my people I will seek
They listen when I speak
Believe me when I say
Me and my friends go a mighty long way
Yea, yea
There's nothing that can make this bond to break
And if it comes along it must be strong
Believe me when I say
Me and my friends go a mighty long way
Well I look into the cloudy sky
And cleanse my soul as the heavens cry
My life like a rolling stone
Up and down the hills
It breaks my ass like a window sill
And if I had to do it all by myself
There be a threat to my mental health
But there's no need to run and hide
When folks are by my side
Believe me when I say
Me and my friends go a mighty long way
Yea, yea
Yea, yea
There's nothing that could make this bond to break
And don't even try unless you're ready to die
Believe me when I say
Me and my friends go a mighty long way
Believe my when I say
We go a mighty long way

Přidal: Larius dne 15. 03. 2006 v 18:38.
Počet zobrazení: 244 (0).

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Fishbone - nejžádanější texty

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Fishbone (285x)
Fishbone (257x)
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Fishbone (246x)
Mighty Long Way
Fishbone (244x)
Lemon Meringue
Fishbone (237x)
Give It Up
Fishbone (236x)

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Radůza (1743x)


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