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Fishbone - Deep Inside - text písně

Texty písní » Fishbone - Deep Inside

Fishbone - stát se fanouškem

Deep Inside
Rich Ass
High Klass
Don't bother me and I won't realize your crime
Two faced
You're out of place
You can't rock out because you ain't the kind
Well if you were on the other side of the fence,
well maybe you'd understand,
I may freak you out with my raw look,
'cause I just got the feelin' Man!
Brain Washed
You're Lost
Your blindness can't be helped anyway
Your Cash
My Clash
Makes me able to say
Makes me able to say
You got the prestige status
You've got the majority mass
Plus you've got a blender by General Motors
And a Tonka Toy dump truck up your ass
You'll never look the way I feel
You'll never feel the look in my eyes
I feel the look in my eyes
Cause I've got the feelin' swimming in my bones
And it's takin over Deep Inside
It's takin' over Deep Inside

Přidal: Larius dne 15. 03. 2006 v 18:38.
Počet zobrazení: 246 (0).

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Fishbone - nejžádanější texty

Rock Star
Fishbone (285x)
Fishbone (257x)
Everyday Sunshine
Fishbone (256x)
Fishbone (255x)
Deep Inside
Fishbone (246x)
Mighty Long Way
Fishbone (244x)
Lemon Meringue
Fishbone (237x)
Give It Up
Fishbone (236x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Larius

Nad horú svítá
Petr Bende (6378x)
Anděl perutí mách
Petr Bende (4313x)
Ashes To Ashes
Faith No More (2512x)
Have A Nice Day
Bon Jovi (2106x)
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Art Garfunkel & Paul Sim… (1910x)
Andělové Z Nebe
Radůza (1875x)
Confessions Of A Broken Heart
Lindsay Lohan (1837x)
No Bravery
James Blunt (1823x)
Why Did You Go
Ginuwine (1780x)
Jednou To Pomine
Radůza (1743x)


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