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Zuzana Smatanová - Half An Hour - text písně

Texty písní » Zuzana Smatanová - Half An Hour

Zuzana Smatanová - stát se fanouškem

It´s after eight and Mrs. Pearson is lying in her bed she thought about her life she´s tired of the work and she is sad...
No, no she hasn´t any bruises on her body in this time she´s under cower with the tears and waiting that all will be fine...

Where´s the rose,and where´s the opened red wine?
Let´s play like normal married people just for a while
Where´s the ticket to theatre?
and where´s the kiss for good night?
where´s the simple sign of favour and reason for life?

Can you have som reasonable chat for half an hour?
without bruises screem and slaps, and love each other!
I´m sure you´ll find your sanity - not more just half an hour remember your life before you became sour!
- not more just half an hour!

Adjoining room is empty but it´s place for husband of hers there´s only smoke of cigars, dirty clothes an glass of water
The common photo in the wooden frame is already broken the only move from wall to wall is Mrs. Pearson
- she is walking...

I know that´s not time for gifts, and dice were already thrown wedding ring is hangs on lace - he left her alone
did he forget about her, and did he find another?
sometimes when he comes at home but not like a father!


Where´s the rose, and where´s the opened red wine?
Let´s play like normal married people just for a while
where´s the ticket to theatre?
and where´s the kiss for good night?
where´s the simple sign of favour and reason for life?


Přidal: Ondra dne 02. 09. 2005 v 16:37.
Počet zobrazení: 464 (1).

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