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Yes - Yesterday And Today - text písně

Texty písní » Yes - Yesterday And Today

Yes - stát se fanouškem

Why is there you,
When there are few,
People making me feel good.
Why is there me,
When air is free,
Some I can see better than I should,
There's only us,
simply because,
Thinking of us makes us both happy
I think of you everyway, yesterday and today,
I think of things we do all the way everyday
Stand in the sea
sing songs for me,
Sing happily making me feel good,
Watching your eyes,
Feeling your sighs,
saying goodbyes better than I could,
There's only us,
simply because,
Thinking of us makes us both happy
I think of you everyway yesterday and today,
I think of nothing but you things we do, things we do.

Přidal: dne 19. 04. 2006 v 12:38.
Počet zobrazení: 148 (1).

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Yes - nejžádanější texty

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