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The Matches - Salty Eyes - text písně

Texty písní » The Matches - Salty Eyes

The Matches - stát se fanouškem

Do you belong to a song?
Does it drag you along by the tongue at the top of your lungs?
Are you drunk?
Have you been drinking?
Do you below the overpass go with a fifth in your fist
reminiscing the kiss of a love that just didn't love as much as you did?

Please don't give up, dear walls
don't let the ceiling fall
when you belong to a song, salty eyes,
You belong.

Shrill notes begin, the grim violin
then from the silence a violence of sirens orchestrate the score
to which one more corpse is left quiet
How we become the hollows of drums
the rests between notes, the hollers that never reach throats
"friends" in quotes, they're not calling

Please don't give up, dear you
I'm but the sliver moon sliding through
when you belong to a song, salty eyes,
You belong.

Do please believe, however naive
let it drag you along by the tongue at the top of your lungs
and belong, salty eyes

When you belong to a song, salty eyes,
You belong.

Přidal: Ondra dne 24. 01. 2007 v 20:30.
Počet zobrazení: 154 (1).

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The Matches - nejžádanější texty

My Soft And Deep
The Matches (224x)
Shoot Me In The Smile
The Matches (215x)
You (don´t) Know Me
The Matches (213x)
Didi (my Doe, Part 2)
The Matches (208x)
Clumsy Heart
The Matches (157x)
Salty Eyes
The Matches (154x)
The Matches (147x)
Little Maggots
The Matches (146x)
What Katie Said
The Matches (143x)
The Barber's Unhappiness
The Matches (137x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Ondra

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Ewa Farna (50781x)
Love To Be Loved By You
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If That's OK With You
Shayne Ward (45423x)
Big Girls Don't Cry
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Hříšná těla, křídla motýlí
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So Sick
Ne-Yo (37651x)
Morandi (37382x)
Vítr (i Need A Hero)
Lucie Vondráčková (36718x)


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