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Spoon - No You're Not - text písně

Texty písní » Spoon - No You're Not

Spoon - stát se fanouškem

Go knock em dead ok kid
i’m not a man, least not yet
i’m not a man just a pillar of salt on the ground
tell us your name that's what they say
i ain't got a name just a current address and i said
know what you know i never thought a kiss could be so cold
so now the pissoff's taking hold
and you can tell they're all looking at you
feel so inert it starts to hurt
so that's your name and i tell myself
don't say that you're coming back 'cause no you're not
don't say that you're pleased to meet them no you're not
you're going back 'cause no you're not

Přidal: dne 27. 07. 2009 v 08:28.
Počet zobrazení: 146 (1).

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