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Sinéad O'Connor - You Cause As Much Sorrow - text písně

Texty písní » Sinéad O'Connor - You Cause As Much Sorrow

Sinéad O'Connor - stát se fanouškem

I'm full of good intentions
Like I never was before
It's too late for prevention
But I don't think it's too late for the cure

So you call in your minions
And see what you can find
Night time or morning
These hands are sticky but I don't mind

Why must you always be around?
Why can't you just leave it be?
It's done nothing so far but destroy my life
You cause as much sorrow dead
As you did when you were alive

I never said I was tough
That was everyone else
So you're a fool to attack me
For the image that you built yourself

Just sounds more vicious
Than I actually mean
I really am soft
Yes, I'm tender and sweet

Why must you always be around?
Why can't you just leave it be?
You've done nothing so far but destroy my life
You cause as much sorrow dead
As you did when you were alive

Why must you always ask me?
Why can't you just leave me be?
You've done nothing so far but destroy my life
You cause as much sorrow dead
As you did when you were alive

Přidal: dne 14. 12. 2005 v 10:46.
Počet zobrazení: 145 (1).

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