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Sinéad O'Connor - This Is A Rebel Song - text písně

Texty písní » Sinéad O'Connor - This Is A Rebel Song

Sinéad O'Connor - stát se fanouškem

I love you my hard englishman
Your rage is like a fist in my womb
Can't you forgive what you think I've done
And love me - I'm your woman
And I desire you my hard englishman
And there is no more natural thing
So why should I not get loving
Don't be cold englishman

How come you've never said you love me
In all the time you've known me
How come you never say you're sorry
And I do

Ah, please talk to me englishman
What good will shutting me out get done
Meanwhile crazies are killing our sons
Oh listen - englishman
I've honoured you - hard englishman
Now I am calling your heart to my own
Oh let glorious love be done
Be truthful - englishman

How come you've never said you love me
In all the time you've known me
How come you never say you're sorry
And I do
I do

Přidal: dne 14. 12. 2005 v 10:36.
Počet zobrazení: 282 (1).

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