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Sinéad O'Connor - The Value Of Ignorance - text písně

Texty písní » Sinéad O'Connor - The Value Of Ignorance

Sinéad O'Connor - stát se fanouškem

you smile
and there's blood on your lips
your hands show again
what your mouth has kissed
now i know something
i did not know before
the thing that you've destroyed
is a thing you liked me for

all those nights with my arse in your face
and your words in my dreams
now i know what the value of ignorance means

the pain
in the sordidness
all the more choices
I thought you'd be the best

at least
i know something
about what's good and what hurts
and i'm glad that i loath it
you would have fucked me up worse

all those nights with my arse in your face
and your words in my dreams
now i know what the value of ignorance means

all those nights with my arse in your face
and your words in my dreams
now i know what the value of ignorance means

don't you ever lie to me again
because if you do
i will not be you friend

Přidal: dne 14. 12. 2005 v 10:35.
Počet zobrazení: 149 (1).

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