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Sabaton - Shadows - text písně

Texty písní » Sabaton - Shadows

Sabaton - stát se fanouškem

Facing the wind as they ride trough the sky
Shadows of Mordor black horses they fly
Black shadow king, find the ring.

Search for the Halfling you lords of the dark
The hobbit with Saurons ring he is your mark
Unholy light, in the night.

Black knights of Sauron
You’re made of iron
Black shadows of Mordor
Wield one-eyed shields

Unholy wringwraiths with armour of steel
Kings of the past to no one you kneel
Hearts filled with hate, that’s your fate.

Facing the wind as they ride trough the sky
Shadows of Mordor black horses they fly
Ride shadow king, find the ring.

Black knights of Sauron
You’re made of iron
Black shadows of Mordor
Wield one-eyed shields

Přidal: Kacenka dne 30. 07. 2009 v 14:00.
Počet zobrazení: 158 (1).

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