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Paolo Nutini - Rewind - text písně

Texty písní » Paolo Nutini - Rewind

Paolo Nutini - stát se fanouškem

Pickin up the pieces
of the wreck you went and left
and i'm dealing with dilemmas
in my not-so-stressful life
and i'm drinking stronger spirits
i made my home here on the floor
and i'm losing all ambition
i'm a ghost

and i'm going all out
and i'm thinking you're just as bad

no sleeping at night
but i'm going from bar to bar
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind

oh remember at 16
oh the crazy drunken night we had
when i kissed you in the hallway
then i took you straight to bed

well 2 years on
and i'm still that same boy i was

no sleeping at night
but i'm going from bar to bar
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind oh

no sleeping at night
but i'm going from bar to bar
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind oh

you might blame it on me
but you persisted that we fold
wiped your hands of me
and said you needed more, more, more

and i'm not sleeping at night
but i'm going from bar to bar
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind oh

and i'm not sleeping at night
but i'm going from bar to bar
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind
why can't we just rewind oh

wo woah woah woah
wo woah woah woah
wo wo woah
can't we just rewind
Lyrics Directory > Paolo Nutini > Rewind

Přidal: Ondra dne 07. 12. 2006 v 18:59.
Počet zobrazení: 440 (1).

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