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Nikki Jean - Sex, Lies And Sunshine - text písně

Texty písní » Nikki Jean - Sex, Lies And Sunshine

Nikki Jean - stát se fanouškem

Album: Pennies In A Jar

How can a man like you hold me in the palm of your hand
Like you do, you do
Since I was just a kid, I hung on every word you said
You always knew, you knew
Those looks, those arms, those legs around my curves
They did just what you meant them to do
You did, you did, you do

Sex, lies & sunshine
Love songs and landmines
I tripped up on and I lived for so long
On promise and plum wine
Sex, lies & sunshine
Ripped at the seam
Sugar sell me a dream tonight, tonight

Love of all my life
Damned if I don't love you
Damned if I do, I do
You say you got my back
It feels just like a knife that cuts right through,
Right through
Salt on your tongue burned me
And it stung
Like you got something better to do
You did, you did, you do

Sex, lies & sunshine
Love songs and landmines
I tripped up on and I lived for so long
On promise and plum wine
Sex, lies & sunshine
Ripped at the seam
Sugar sell me a dream tonight, tonight

You're a beach
I don't know where I stand
Each lie you tell me is a grain of sand
Paradise isn't quite like how I planned
It's more

Sex, lies & sunshine
Love songs and landmines
I tripped up on and I lived for so long
On promise and plum wine
Sex, lies & sunshine
Ripped at the seam
Sugar sell me a dream tonight, tonight

Přidal: semir11 dne 27. 08. 2011 v 13:36.
Počet zobrazení: 144 (1).

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