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Marilyn Manson - One Love - text písně

Texty písní » Marilyn Manson - One Love

Marilyn Manson - stát se fanouškem

Hey man,
take a place
life is not a frantic race
show to God your real face
because He could give you grace
but until you really go
listen to this coming flow...

There's temptations
for these nations
that's why we need an education.
In Bible is good information
which I can use in my creation
thank divine inspiration...

One love for singin’ on streets
one love for the hip-hop beats
one love for the way He did.
One love is all we need!

Try to pray it's correct
this connection is direct
Jesus loves you that is fact.
Look to Bible, especially Acts
‘cause there you can find how to live
how to follow and believe.

You can drive or be driven
you can hid or be hidden
while you wait for this event
when your heart is to Him given
for the way, for the way
for the way of believin’…

One love for singin’ on streets
one love for the hip-hop beats
one chance is the way He did
one change is all you need!

One love for singin’ on streets
one love for the hip-hop beats
one love for the way He did.
One love is all we need!

Hey, this great love is done!
So much love for the one?
So much love for the one!
Hey man, hey man
Hey man, hey man

Přidal: LENULKA dne 19. 04. 2005 v 13:43.
Počet zobrazení: 205 (1).

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