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Kirk Franklin - A God Like You - text písně

Texty písní » Kirk Franklin - A God Like You

Kirk Franklin - stát se fanouškem

Album: Hello Fear

A God Like You

Everybody wanna be like you they
Want power and praise like but
See there is no god like our God
There's no one like
Who gave their life you and
Who payed our price like you see
There's only one god that's our God
There's no one like you.

Who can touch like you
Or heal us like you do
We stubble and we stray
Til' you always get us thru
Who makes all things new
And comes to our rescue
Death, hell, and the grave
They could not conquor

You became just like me
To unlock and set free
This prisoner that was deeply wounded and redeemed
The me I could not see

Everybody wanna be like you they
Want power and praise like but
See there is no god like our God
There's no one like
Who gave their life you and
Who payed our price like you see
There's only one god that's our God
There's no one like you.

Some may worship things
But what joy do they bring
They try and hide the stains
But can they set us free
See where would we be
Without calvery
A king upon a tree
So the whole world can see

You became just like me
To unlock and set free
This prisoner that was deeply wounded and redeemed
The me I could not see

Everybody wanna be like you they
Want power and praise like but
See there is no god like our God
There's no one like
Who gave their life you and
Who payed our price like you see
There's only one god that's our God
There's no one like you.

Healer, father, savior
Counselor, friend, provider
Was is and forever
That's why I just wanna be where you are
I'll travel life with you no matter how far

Became just like me
To unlock and set free
This prisoner that was deeply wounded and redeemed
The me I could not see

Everybody wanna be like you they
Want power and praise like but
See there is no god like our God
There's no one like
Who gave their life you and
Who payed our price like you see
There's only one god that's our God
There's no one like you.

There's no one like you, there's no one like you, there's no god like our God
There's no one like you. [8x]

Přidal: semir11 dne 02. 04. 2011 v 16:32.
Počet zobrazení: 238 (1).

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