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Hot Chip - Take It In - text písně

Texty písní » Hot Chip - Take It In

Hot Chip - stát se fanouškem

Take it in

The wheel of fortune stops at 6 o'clock
So what am I to do until midnight?
An hourglass may grab my attention
But I am in the need of reflection

And oh-oh, my heart has flown to you just like a dove
It can fly, it can fly
And oh-oh, please take my heart and keep it close to you
Take it in, take it in

My heart attack abates after midnight
But I was in the need of attention
Surgery ablaze in the half light
But then I was no more than a phantom

And oh-oh my heart has flown to you just like a dove
It can fly, it can fly
And oh-oh please take my heart and keep it close to you
Take it in, take it in

And oh-oh my heart has flown to you just like a dove
It can fly, it can fly
And oh-oh please take my heart and keep it close to you
Take it in, take it in

Přidal: semir11 dne 31. 01. 2010 v 23:17.
Počet zobrazení: 131 (1).

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