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Björk - Solstice - text písně

Texty písní » Björk - Solstice

Björk - stát se fanouškem

Album: Biophilia

When your eyes
Pause on the ball
That hangs on the third branch from the star
You remember why it is dark
And why it gets light again

The earth like the hearts
Slopes in its seat
And like that it travels
Along an elliptical path
Drawn into the darkness

An unpolished pearl
In the sky black palm of hands
Flickering sun flame

And then you remember
That you yourself
You are a light bearer, a light bearer
Receiving radiance from others
Flickering sun flame
Unpolished earth
In the palm of hands

Přidal: semir11 dne 15. 10. 2011 v 22:18.
Počet zobrazení: 139 (1).

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