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Baccara - Devil Sent You To Lorado - text písně

Texty písní » Baccara - Devil Sent You To Lorado

Baccara - stát se fanouškem

I still remember the piano
Playing the same old melodies
The late-night crowd
Was wild and loud
But then a shoot
Outside the bar-room

And then I saw you for the first time
The way you stepped out of the dark
Up to the bar
Said: "Here we are…
Whiskey for me,
For you Tequila"

The devil send you to Lorado
Because he knew that I was there
A man with such a face
In such a lonesome place
Can only be a desperado

The devil send you to Lorado
Because he knew that I was there
And when I heard you’d stay
I felt right away
You’d shake my life
Like a tornado

I still remember the piano
Playing a different melody
You won at cards
You won at darts
Left all the men without a dollar

And now you gotta leave Lorado
They want you out of here by noon
Oh, I can tell
I’m in a spell
So here we go to Amarillo...

Přidal: helena dne 28. 05. 2008 v 13:21.
Počet zobrazení: 302 (1).

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Baccara - nejžádanější texty

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