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AFI - Over Exposure - text písně

Texty písní » AFI - Over Exposure

AFI - stát se fanouškem

Over Exposure
I have seen ten roses bleed,
seen new petals fall,
I have felt my soul tear.
I have felt nothing at all.
Watched what was vibrant
fade as shadows fall.
I can see it's been done,
all that was pure has been eradicated.
I can see, it's all done.
Nothing can erase the damage done.
I have seen ten liars love,
seen two lovers lie,
seen youth, blinded, smiling.
I have seen deceit handed down.
From the highest height, below the lowly.
I can see it's been done,
all that was pure has been eradicated.
I can see, it's all done.
Nothing can erase the damage done.
I have seen beasts bathed in glory,
tread across the angels as they crawl.
Take it all away.
Regress to nothing.
Can someone please take
these images from my mind?

Přidal: Larius dne 11. 11. 2005 v 18:37.
Počet zobrazení: 168 (1).

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AFI - nejžádanější texty

Prelude 12/21
AFI (793x)
37 Mm
AFI (739x)
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AFI (555x)
Jack The Ripper
AFI (360x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Larius

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Petr Bende (6312x)
Anděl perutí mách
Petr Bende (4170x)
Ashes To Ashes
Faith No More (2455x)
Have A Nice Day
Bon Jovi (2041x)
Andělové Z Nebe
Radůza (1814x)
Confessions Of A Broken Heart
Lindsay Lohan (1786x)
No Bravery
James Blunt (1769x)
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Art Garfunkel & Paul Sim… (1760x)
Why Did You Go
Ginuwine (1723x)
Jednou To Pomine
Radůza (1597x)


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