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Marc Terenzi - Can't Breathe Without You - text písně

Texty písní » Marc Terenzi - Can't Breathe Without You

Marc Terenzi - stát se fanouškem

I've been around the whole damn world
Somewhere along the way I lost my girl
I've been to places you've never been
Oh, baby
And I saw things I know you’ve never seen
And now I need a little rest
Oh, yeah
And I'm not sure if I can keep going by myself

My heart is breaking on down
Minute after minute I'm losing ground
Take me and hold me once again
Just like you used to
I'm crazy
It's crazy as hell
I don't even know what to do with myself
Cause it don't matter what I do
I can't breathe without you

It seems like only yesterday
I still remember all the little games we played
I couldn't picture us apart
No, no, no
And we were put together right from the start
So babygirl, what have we done?
Please tell me!
Is this what happens when you love someone?

My heart is breaking on down
Minute after minute I'm losing ground
Take me and hold me once again
Just like you used to
I'm crazy
It's crazy as hell
I don't even know what to do with myself
Cause it don't matter what I do
I can't breathe without you

Everything I do just seems so senseless
I feel helpless
With every move I make I'm moving
More miles away from you
And every night the dream of you is returning
And I'm burning
To hold you in my arms again
And keep you 'til the very end

My heart is breaking on down
No, no, oh no!
Take me and hold me once again
Why don't you take me?
Hold me once again?

My heart is breaking on down
Minute after minute I'm losing ground
Take me and hold me once again
Just like you used to
I'm crazy
It's crazy as hell
I don't even know what to do with myself
Cause it don't matter what I do
I can't breathe without you

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe
I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I can't breathe without you

Přidal: zzuzu dne 17. 04. 2006 v 15:39.
Počet zobrazení: 687 (1).

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