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Alphaville - Because Of You - text písně

Texty písní » Alphaville - Because Of You

Alphaville - stát se fanouškem

Because Of You
Oh, I want to know I want to go
Through that situation again, I'd like to catch
That something in your eyes it thrilled me once again
That gentle touch I can't describe
It's like a reflection of the moon on the water
Don't let it go, because of you the earth stood still
Just do it again
Burn, burn away, sacred letters, ragged backdrops
I don't care, the certainty of death,
The boring rituals of life they seem so far
I don't care for my life, I just live for your love
That is because of what you do, just do it again
Because of you the earth stood still
Just do it again

Přidal: Larius dne 06. 11. 2005 v 15:00.
Počet zobrazení: 453 (0).

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