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Bob Sinclar & Steve Edwards - World, Hold On - text písně

Texty písní » Bob Sinclar & Steve Edwards - World, Hold On

Bob Sinclar - stát se fanouškem

Steve Edwards - stát se fanouškem

Album: Western Dream
Poznámka: vydáno/Veröffentlichung: 2006

Open up your heart, what do you feel
Open up your heart, what do you feel is real

The big bang may be a million years away
But I can't think of a better time to say

World, hold on
Instead of messing with our future, open up inside
World, hold on
Wonder you will have to answer
To the children of the sky

Children of the sky
Children of the sky
Look inside, youll find a deeper love
The kind that only comes from high above

If you ever meet your inner child, don t cry
Tell them everything is gonna be alright

World, hold on
Instead of messing with our future, open up inside
World, hold on
Wonder you will have to answer
To the children of the sky

World, hold on
Come one, everybody in the universe, come on
World, hold on
Wonder you will have to answer
To the children of the sky

Children of the sky alright
Open up your heart
Tell me, how do you feel

Listen now, tell them everything, right here right now
Alright, everybody, here in the world
You are all the children, alright

Together now, unite, and fight oooh
Open up you heart, no, peace, love for everyone

Oh, no no no no no, alright
To the four corners of the world
Sing it loud, sing it loud, sing it loud loud loud
World hold on on

Sing it loud, sing it proud
Everybody, yeah yeah yeah yeah, oooh
Dont take no for an answer, no no, not today

Right here,spread love, everybody join together now
One , one heart, love and unity, everybody sing

World, hold on
Come one, everybody in the universe, come on
World, hold on
Wonder you will have to answer
To the children of the sky

World, hold on
Come one, everybody in the universe, come on
World, hold on
Wonder you will have to answer
To the children of the sky

Přidal: Marekzprahy dne 03. 03. 2006 v 15:18.
Počet zobrazení: 40262 (0).

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World, Hold On
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World, Hold On
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