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X-Wild - Monster Effect - text písně

Texty písní » X-Wild - Monster Effect

X-Wild - stát se fanouškem

Monster Effect
Dreams - what's haunting me
Fear - that's the key
I'm deader than a dog
With a rattlesnaking cough
My head's between my legs
I'm useless 'til I get my dreams
"They're eating me!"

I'm a living walking nightmare
A testament to fear and they're reaching out for me
There's something in my head
I want to close my eyes, but they're always
In there, messin' with my dreams
"They're eating me!"

I close my eyes with darkness all around
The shapes move in and pin me to the ground
I hear my screams and they're inside my head
I think I'm suffering from the monster effect

I'm asking for asylum
Somewhere in bedlam town
The sands of time have run out
Bleeding madness all behind
Please unlock this door
And leave the craziness behind
Say - goodnight - mind

Přidal: Larius dne 27. 02. 2006 v 18:28.
Počet zobrazení: 204 (1).

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X-Wild - nejžádanější texty

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