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The Partisans - Fire - text písně

Texty písní » The Partisans - Fire

The Partisans - stát se fanouškem

Wait till you see the whites of their eyes
Wait till you see the expression on their faces
Wait until you smell the stench of the fear
Wait till you see the tears on the cheeks
Wait till you see those bodies burn
Wait till you see their flesh burn dry
Wait till you see those twisted limbs
Wait till your stomach can't stand the sight
Then fire when you hear the order
Then shoot that man that you have been taught to hate
Then fire he's coming closer shoot that man between the face
Then fire at the man that gave the order
Shoot that man who taught you how to hate
Then fire.......................
Shoot that man shoot clean and straight

Přidal: supercheer dne 05. 09. 2007 v 17:08.
Počet zobrazení: 124 (1).

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The Partisans - nejžádanější texty

The Partisans (183x)
I Never Needed You
The Partisans (181x)
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The Partisans (176x)
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The Partisans (173x)
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The Partisans (173x)
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The Partisans (172x)
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The Partisans (170x)
The Partisans (170x)
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The Partisans (169x)
Put Your Money
The Partisans (167x)

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