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Sleigh Bells - Comeback Kid - text písně

Texty písní » Sleigh Bells - Comeback Kid

Sleigh Bells - stát se fanouškem

Album: Reign Of Terror

I know it's hard but
you've gotta deal with it
why don't you look around
show me what you're made of
don't turn around
go get your gun ready
everyday there's a way to do it just right

Don't wanna take it and just say it as I saw
you'd never know, just where you gotta go
don't wanna take it and just say it as I saw
you'd never know, just where you gotta go
don't run away 'cause that's the deal with it
you gotta turn around, never let your guard down
I'll see you but I know it's gonna save you baby
you always run around breaking all the rules with it
I know you tried so hard, but you can't even win
you gotta try a little harder, you're the comeback kid
I know you tried so hard, but you can't even win
you gotta try a little harder, you're the comeback kid

You're gone away but, you'll come back some day
you're gone away but, you'll come back some day

I know it's hard but
you've gotta deal with it
why don't you look around
show me what you're made of
don't turn around
go get your gun ready
everyday there's a way to do it just right
I wanna take it and just say it as I saw
you never know, just where you gotta go
I wanna take it and just say it as I saw
you never know, just where you gotta go

You're gone away but, you'll come back some day
you're gone away but, you'll come back some day
I know you tried so hard, but you can't even win
you gotta try a little harder, you're the comeback kid
I know you tried so hard, but you can't even win
you gotta try a little harder, you're the comeback kid
you're gone away but, you'll come back some day
you're gone away but, you'll come back some day

Přidal: semir11 dne 20. 01. 2012 v 00:20.
Počet zobrazení: 135 (1).

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