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Scars To Prove - Armless And Crawling - text písně

Texty písní » Scars To Prove - Armless And Crawling

Scars To Prove - stát se fanouškem

This house has been knocked down
It showed us what's left of this town
It's wonderful...and so are you
And how small this city looks tonight

I'm aimless and crawling back with my teeth
I'm on my knees, please choose me
I think I can be something with a bran new beat

Again it brings us to my house of lies
It's all in truth, yet seeming unsuspecting
You're lose with your youth...your screams

Spend your time on yourself
A crowded room but it's only ou and i
In a box that's dying to say what needs to be said
But can only deny

Přidal: Ondra dne 23. 07. 2006 v 21:57.
Počet zobrazení: 116 (1).

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