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Sarah McLachlan - Plenty (fade Mix) - text písně

Texty písní » Sarah McLachlan - Plenty (fade Mix)

Sarah McLachlan - stát se fanouškem

plenty (repeated several times)

I looked into your eyes
they told me plenty
I already knew

You never felt a thing
so soon forgotten
all that you do

In more than words
I tried to tell you
the more I tried I failed

I would not let myself believe that you might stray
and I would stand by you no matter what they´d say
I thought I´d be with you until my dying day

Until my dying day

plenty (repeated several times)

I used to think my life
was often empty
a lonely space to fill

You hurt me more
than I ever would have imagined
You made my world stand still

And in that stillness
there was a freedom
I never felt before

I would not let myself believe that you might stray
and I would stand by you no matter what they´d say
I thought I´d be with you until my dying day

Until my dying day (repeated several times)

plenty (repeated several times)

Přidal: MarkAirman dne 24. 02. 2006 v 12:51.
Počet zobrazení: 149 (1).

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