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Neil Young - Hey Babe - text písně

Texty písní » Neil Young - Hey Babe

Neil Young - stát se fanouškem

Hey babe,
say you're mine, all mine.
I need it oh so bad.
Hey babe, hey babe.
I know that all things pass.
Let's try to make this last.

Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?
Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?

Hey babe, can I count on you
To see me through?
Hey babe, hey babe.
All I need is your love
And the stars above.

Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?
Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?

Hey babe,
say you're mine, all mine.
I need you oh so bad.
Hey babe, hey babe.
I know that all things pass.
Let's try to make this last.

Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?
Oh, can you see
my love shining for you?

Hey babe,
I know that all things pass.
Let's try to make this last.

Přidal: dne 26. 03. 2006 v 10:30.
Počet zobrazení: 213 (1).

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