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MxPx - Drum Machine Joy - text písně

Texty písní » MxPx - Drum Machine Joy

MxPx - stát se fanouškem

drum machine joy - drum machine joy soon the goodness king
will hear your heart from within the castle to his warm hearth granting hope
and wisdom to your soul the evil spell of sadness has been broken in your heart,
there's a world of sadness i love you with all heart in your heart
with my words i promise to love you with all heart,
and drum machine joy soon the goodness king will hear your heart
from the northern kingdom comes a faint sound growing stronger
here before the heart the chorus of the king has come to heal your heart
in your heart, there's a world of sadness i love you with all heart
in your heart with my words i promise to love you with all heart,
and drum machine joy

Přidal: Ondra dne 17. 08. 2007 v 17:38.
Počet zobrazení: 131 (1).

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MxPx - nejžádanější texty

MxPx (211x)
MxPx (207x)
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MxPx (197x)
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MxPx (196x)
Don´t Look Back
MxPx (194x)
The Opposite
MxPx (180x)
MxPx (179x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Ondra

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I'm Not Missing You
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Ewa Farna (50781x)
Love To Be Loved By You
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If That's OK With You
Shayne Ward (45425x)
Big Girls Don't Cry
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Hříšná těla, křídla motýlí
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So Sick
Ne-Yo (37651x)
Morandi (37382x)
Vítr (i Need A Hero)
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