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Misser - Weightless - text písně

Texty písní » Misser - Weightless

Misser - stát se fanouškem

Album: Every Day I Tell Myself I'm Going To Be A Better Person

So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless.
I can't keep holding my breath-
I've got a few things to say.
It took the best of me to try and write this
But I kept drawing fire
And it burned up the whole page.

Next thing I knew my room went up in flames.
Knew it'd take an ocean to extinguish
What my thoughts became.
Took the best of me to even come to your place.
I can't keep holding my breath-
I've got a few things to say.

Like how I wish you were the person
That I met last May.
Days and weeks kept changing
While you kept changing face.
I guess it's true what they say
"All the world's a stage."
Yeah, you deserve an Emmy
For the shit you put past me.

Just like every other time
I feel like I'm just lying on your front porch.
Stepped over, disregarded-
I may as well just be another floorboard.

I pinch your arm, make sure you're still awake.
We haven't even reached the best part, stay with me.
Went from everything I loved, to everything I hate.
Don't pretend we both don't know
You've just been fucking with me.

I pinch your arm, make sure you're still awake.
We haven't even reached the best part, stay with me.
Went from everything I loved, to everything I hate.
Don't pretend we both don't know
You've just been fucking with me.

So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.

If you knew you would you even stop me?
You know I keep my problems to myself.
Is the truth too hard to swallow?
Or does it go down like a glass of water?
I can't hold off forever
But I'm not sure this will make things better
For you or for me
For you or for me.

I pinch your arm, make sure you're still awake.
We haven't even reached the best part, stay with me.
Went from everything I loved, to everything I hate.
Don't pretend we both don't know
You've just been fucking with me.

I pinch your arm, make sure you're still awake.
We haven't even reached the best part, stay with me.
Went from everything I loved, to everything I hate.
Don't pretend we both don't know
You've just been fucking with me.

So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.
So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
Held my breath for so long I might just float away.

So grab my arm I'm feeling weightless
I can't keep holding my breath
I've got a few things to say.

Přidal: semir11 dne 28. 05. 2012 v 17:55.
Počet zobrazení: 143 (1).

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