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Like Moths To Flames - Something To Live For - text písně

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Like Moths To Flames - stát se fanouškem

Album: When We Don't Exist

These thoughts tried to being me down,
the soulless pulling underneath the ground.
And darkness finally it sinks in.
This is the last thing I thought I'd see.
I've got some demons and they're all still a part of me.

I still have something to live for,
How can you tell me we're not in hell anymore?
I still have something to die for,
I won't let my past define me anymore.

What don't you understand?
We can't progress is you refuse to forget.
There's something we can learn from this.

But it's the last thing I've ever thought I'd see,
I've got some demons and they're all still a part of me.

I knew that it would not last,
you can't keep holding this above my head.
I've tried to better myself but you still never forget,
you can't keep holding this above my head.
I've tried to change but the darkness is all that's left.

I don't regret my past,
we all need something that we can learn from.
The things that help bring us back.
I don't regret my past,
you said this time it'd be different.
But I knew that it wouldn't last.

These thoughts still bring me down,
the soulless haunting everything around.
How long can they play this out
before I can't go on any longer?
Invite the darkness as it's growing stronger.

I still have something to live for.
I still have something to live for.

I still have something to live for,
I won't let my past define me anymore.

I knew that it would not last.

You can't keep holding this above my head,
I've tried to change but the darkness is all that's left.

I don't regret my past,
we all need something that we can learn from.
The things that help bring us back.
I don't regret my past,
you said this time it'd be different.
But I knew that it wouldn't last.

I don't regret my past,
we all need something that we can learn from.
The things that help bring us back.
I don't regret my past,
we all need something that we can learn from.
I knew it wouldn't last.

Přidal: Ornela dne 15. 12. 2011 v 23:20.
Počet zobrazení: 126 (1).

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