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Janet Jackson - China Love - text písně

Texty písní » Janet Jackson - China Love

Janet Jackson - stát se fanouškem

The energy I see
The silence that you speak
The lust within my dreams
And what I t says to me
This full heart of mine
You just can't empty

So come lay with me
China love
How pleasant life will be
China love
As the sun retires
Our love will transpire
Make love to me
China love

I see the sunshine
When I look into your eyes
They speak of worlds gone by
We loved another time
My heart was empty
Till you came to be

So come lay with me
China love
How pleasant life will be
China love
As the sun retires
Our love will transpire
Make love to me
China love

Přidal: Ondra dne 21. 03. 2006 v 21:25.
Počet zobrazení: 183 (0).

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