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Immolation - Power And Shame - text písně

Texty písní » Immolation - Power And Shame

Immolation - stát se fanouškem

So much wealth, so much to say
So man lives, are kept at bay

Your hold is tight upon the weak and dispossessed
Centuries of our enslavement have enabled you to flourish
Your influence is selfish as you line your halls in fold
With regal houses more of greed than of God your truth is shown

So much fire, so much zeal
So much opulence, that you can't feel

The apathy you've shown the world as you hide behind your "Son"
You show a face of great concern while you look the other way
The foundations you were built upon are nothing more than lies
The remnants of your glory days, now just markers for your grave

Watch them all die for you
Skin them alive with passion
Take all their lives for you
Raping the world forever

Ignore the cries, ignore the pleas
What's good for you is not for them
Let them suffer, let them die
There's always souls you'll need to save

Přidal: dne 15. 10. 2010 v 16:18.
Počet zobrazení: 130 (1).

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