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Horrorpops - Who's Leading You Now? - text písně

Texty písní » Horrorpops - Who's Leading You Now?

Horrorpops - stát se fanouškem

Who's Leading You Now?
Doing everything blind
Always need a guide
Someone to make your excuse
Needing someone
To hold your hand
It's always easier when you don't
Need to take the blame
Admitting to something you did,
Just ain't in your capacity
Nothing is easy
But you're telling lies
To place to blame
On someone else

Naive, blind, dumb and totally gone
I'm lost for words, describing how
You're wrong

Who's leading you now....

Sucking everyone dry
You don't how to stop
Leaving me tired and confused
Emotional vampire, attacking all
And leaving emptiness behind
Do you feel wrongly accused
Reading this,
You know it must be you
Demanding, commanding
Is all you do
What makes you above the rest?

Who's leaving you now

Naive, blind and dumb and totally gone
I'm lost for word describing
Just how gone you are
And i'm tired of explaining just how
Wrong you are
Naive, blind, wrong and totally gone

Přidal: Larius dne 25. 03. 2006 v 15:29.
Počet zobrazení: 177 (0).

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Horrorpops - nejžádanější texty

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Radůza (1742x)


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