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Hoku - You First Believed - text písně

Texty písní » Hoku - You First Believed

Hoku - stát se fanouškem

You First Believed
How many times did I pray
You'd find me
How many wishes on a star
Gazing off into the dark
Dreaming I'd see your face
Safe at home unafraid
Captured in your embrace

So many times
When my heart was broken
Visions of you
Would keep me strong
You were with me all along
Guiding my every step
You are all that I am
And I'll never forget

It was you who first believed
In all that I was made to be
It was you looking in my eyes
You held my hand
And showed me life
And I've never been the same
Since you first believed

There were times
When I'd thought I'd lost you
Fearing forever was a dream
But it wasn't what it seemed
Placing your hand in mine
You could see in the dark
You were guiding my heart

It was you who first believed
In all that I was made to be
It was you looking in my eyes
You held my hand
And you showed me life
And I've never been the same
Since you first believed

How many times did I pray
You'd find me
How many wishes on a star

Přidal: Larius dne 25. 03. 2006 v 15:17.
Počet zobrazení: 186 (0).

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Hoku - nejžádanější texty

Just Enough
Hoku (236x)
What You Need
Hoku (233x)
I'm Scared
Hoku (212x)
Hoku (206x)
How Do I Feel
Hoku (199x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Larius

Nad horú svítá
Petr Bende (6378x)
Anděl perutí mách
Petr Bende (4313x)
Ashes To Ashes
Faith No More (2512x)
Have A Nice Day
Bon Jovi (2106x)
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Art Garfunkel & Paul Sim… (1910x)
Andělové Z Nebe
Radůza (1875x)
Confessions Of A Broken Heart
Lindsay Lohan (1837x)
No Bravery
James Blunt (1823x)
Why Did You Go
Ginuwine (1780x)
Jednou To Pomine
Radůza (1742x)


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