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Head Automatica - King Caesar - text písně

Texty písní » Head Automatica - King Caesar

Head Automatica - stát se fanouškem

King Caesar
You want a medal
For the things you've done
Well prizes don't come around
As easy as you want em now
You want a mountain with your face engraved
So everybody in the world can see the face of nothing changed

Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you and your poker face
Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you

You want a monument erected in your name
And odds are we will tear it down
When you leave as quickly as you came
You want a place in the history books
But noone has changed history
With double talk and dirty looks

Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you and your poker face
Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you

You heighten yourself to lower the blame
And you martyr yourself to heighten the fame
And you lower yourself to draw the compassion
Here's to you

You want a medal for the things you've done
But if you ever really did a damn thing
We would've gave you one
You want a mountain with your face engraved
So everyone will know the face when approached by to run away

Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you and your poker face
Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you

Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you and your poker face
Hip hip hooray you're our saving grace
Here's to you

Přidal: Larius dne 24. 03. 2006 v 13:41.
Počet zobrazení: 206 (0).

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Head Automatica - nejžádanější texty

Beating Heart Baby
Head Automatica (342x)
Brooklyn Is Burning
Head Automatica (237x)
Dance Party Plus
Head Automatica (217x)
Solid Gold Telephone
Head Automatica (216x)
Disco Hades Ii
Head Automatica (207x)
King Caesar
Head Automatica (206x)
Head Automatica Sound System
Head Automatica (203x)
The Speed Of A Yellow Bullet
Head Automatica (202x)
The Million Dollar Decision
Head Automatica (195x)

Nejžádanější texty uživatele Larius

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Have A Nice Day
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No Bravery
James Blunt (1823x)
Why Did You Go
Ginuwine (1780x)
Jednou To Pomine
Radůza (1742x)


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