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Head Automatica - Brooklyn Is Burning - text písně

Texty písní » Head Automatica - Brooklyn Is Burning

Head Automatica - stát se fanouškem

Brooklyn Is Burning
You strangle people with a piercing stare,
I can't believe I made it,
The way you operate is so severe,so severe,
I hate it,
You strangle people with a sneering grin,
I can't believe i made,
Brooklyn is burning down the discotheque, discotheque
Lets shake it,
I feel the fire tonight,
I hear, I hear the people cry,
I see the people now,
I got I got what the people want,
You send a message in the atmosphere and everyone starts running,
The way you operate is so severe, so severe,
I hate it,
You send a message in your beady stare and everyone starts running,
Brooklyn is burning and by your side, by your side, we're dancing

Přidal: Larius dne 24. 03. 2006 v 13:40.
Počet zobrazení: 237 (0).

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Head Automatica - nejžádanější texty

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Head Automatica (342x)
Brooklyn Is Burning
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Head Automatica Sound System
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The Speed Of A Yellow Bullet
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The Million Dollar Decision
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