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Caater - Blinded (featuring Hanna Pruuli) - text písně

Texty písní » Caater - Blinded (featuring Hanna Pruuli)

Caater - stát se fanouškem

My eyes are blinded.
My eyes are blinded.
My eyes are blinded.

Your eyes, your kiss, every little thing that you ever do.
The smile I miss every minute while I'm away from you.
'Cause you're the other side of my heart.
I know that we'll never part.

My eyes are blinded, my heart is waiting for you.
Like a lightning, it tears apart my soul.
My eyes are blinded, my heart is waiting for you.
I need to fight it.
I've never felt so strong.

My eyes are blinded.
My eyes are blinded.

When dream has come, living here alone with reality.
Look what you've done.
I've abandonned you 'cause my sanity.
'Cause you're the other side of my heart.
I hoped that we'll never part.

My eyes are blinded, my heart is waiting for you.
Like a lightning, it tears apart my soul.
My eyes are blinded, my heart is waiting for you.
I need to fight it.
I've never felt so strong.

My eyes are blinded.
My eyes are blinded.

My eyes are blinded.
My heart is waiting for you.
I need to fight it.
I've never felt so strong.

My eyes are blinded.
My heart is waiting for you.
Like a lightning, it tears apart my soul.

My eyes are blinded.
My heart is waiting for you.
I need to fight it.
I've never felt so strong.

My eyes are blinded.
My eyes are blinded.

Přidal: MarkAirman dne 19. 12. 2005 v 13:19.
Počet zobrazení: 234 (0).

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