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Anthrax - Toast To The Extras - text písně

Texty písní » Anthrax - Toast To The Extras

Anthrax - stát se fanouškem

Swimming on the surface
It's a hell of a lot safer up here
Ain't prepared to dive
And uncover all my darkest fears

This ain't no covert operation
I don't have that much concentration

Staring at the clock
And my patience is wearing thin
One more down the gullet
Keeps me from jumping out of my skin

I'm lost in the fog of contradiction

I toast to the extras
I drink to them 'cause they don't talk to much
They fill up space and entertain
And when I cut 'em loose they don't make a fuss
They all add up to zero in my life
They're just here to cure boredom for the night

Now sometimes all this leaves me feeling hallow
That's when I take refuge with my pillow

I'm not even ready for confession

That's right

Přidal: dne 13. 10. 2005 v 11:32.
Počet zobrazení: 141 (1).

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