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Ancient Rites - Quest For Blood (le Vampire) - text písně

Texty písní » Ancient Rites - Quest For Blood (le Vampire)

Ancient Rites - stát se fanouškem

Toi, qui comme un coup de couteau
Dans mon coeur plaintif est entree
Toi, qui fort comme un troupeau
De demons, vins, folle et paree
To make out of my humiliated spirit
Your bed and your domain
Honourless crook to whom
I am connected like a slave to his
Chain, like a stubborn player to the
Game, like a drunk to the bottle,
Like a maggot to the corpse
Maudite! Maudite soit-tu!
I have prayed the rapid sword
To conquer my freedom
Helas! The poison and the sword
Took me with despise and told me:
'You are not worthy,
You are not worthy!
To be liberated of your slavery!!!
If our efforts would free thee
Your kisses would awake
The remains of your vampire within
Your vampire within!!!'
Maudite! Maudite!...

Přidal: Ondra dne 02. 08. 2009 v 13:35.
Počet zobrazení: 129 (1).

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